This is a series of panel carvings that I cut out of poplar using a CNC router. The carving is inlaid with epoxy resin. I've always loved this art style and wanted to get more practice using the CNC machine, especially with a material as challenging as poplar.
The difficulty with this project was getting the art to meet the CNC router in a place where both could be happy. The router is only capable of a certain degree of resolution, and I needed a minimum path width in order for the resin inlay to be visible from a distance.
The series represents the four ancient elements: Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire. The thematic motif forms the center of each carving, with abstract geometry surrounding. The directionality of all pieces is symmetric and pointed downwards to show movement and make them appear to be part of a set.
So far my partner is on board with the things I make ending up decorating the apartment, but we'll see how long that lasts.